As part of an effective integrated vegetation management plan, the Agricultural Service Board conducts the municipal roadside weed spraying program focusing on Noxious weeds and Brush Growth. In areas of concern, we also immediately control Prohibited Noxious in municipal areas.
If a ratepayer chooses not to participate in the municipal roadside weed spraying program, a “Spray Exemption Agreement” is to be completed and returned to the Municipal Office every year before May 1st.
A map is provided with a probable date that the spray crew will be in selected areas.

• Aspect most commonly used within the M.D. to spray invasive weeds on private land for leafy spurge.
• Garlon XRT Most commonly used within the M.D. to spray woody species on Private Land and Roadsides.
• Clearview most commonly used within the M.D. to spray invasive weeds along municipal roadsides.
• Amine 24D Surfactant we use with Clearview, most commonly used to spot spray infestations of broadleaf weeds on Private Land and Roadsides.
• Gateway surfactant used with our other chemicals.