Public Works
Unauthorized Use of Road Allowance
The M.D. of Provost No. 52 would like to remind its residents that the title to all road allowances within the M.D., whether presently in use as a roadway or not, is vested in the Crown in Right of Alberta. The M.D. has the direction, control and management of all roadways within the M.D. except provincial highways. Any unauthorized use presently being made of road allowances within the M.D. by anyone does not give the user any right to continued use or to compensation in the event that a decision is made to develop the road allowance as a roadway.
Effective March 26, 2009 the Gravel Approach Policy is no longer in effect.
DUST CONTROL POLICY (Updated February 2017)
To assist those wanting dust control on a municipal road used by the general public which runs past their house, it is policy to offer the application of MG-30 as a means of dust control to resident ratepayers at 25% of product cost for the initial application. The application deadline will be April 15th of each year, and late requests will not be accepted. Applications will be accepted for a minimum distance of 500 feet and up to a maximum of 1000 feet per site.
The applicant will recognize roadways are subject to seasonal weather changes, traffic volume and vehicle weight. Dust controls will be maintained as required at the discretion of the MD of Provost, which may impact the effectiveness and life expectancy of the dust suppressant. Applicants may apply for a second application of MG-30 at the same rate as the initial application (25% of product cost) to be received by July 31 of the same year. Late requests will not be accepted.
The MD guarantees that the dust control will be applied in the same year in which the application is received. The MD retains the right to refuse the application of dust control if such is deemed unfeasible after inspection of the site.
Ratepayers acknowledge and agree that the MD makes no guarantee as to the life expectancy of the material process.
The applicant and Public Works staff are expected to stake distance and area applied for together at a reasonable time prior to the application taking place, such timeline to be determined by mutual agreement of the parties in question. Any variance will be signed for by the applicant.
Maintenance will be performed at the discretion of the M.D.
Full details and application form available here.
For more information contact Len 780-753-4423; or Marty 306-873-7831
Snowplow Policy
Please remember if you wish to have your lane snowplowed this winter pick up a “Custom Work” agreement at the M.D. office or from your grader operator as soon as possible. The agreements are valid for 3 years. For those renting, both yourself and the owner are required to sign the agreement. If you plow your own lane, please do not leave any ridges or piles on the M.D. road as it creates a hazard to the travelling public.
Do you think we forgot you? It may take three or four days to get your roads open after a snowstorm. School bus routes and main roads will be done first. If you already have a Custom Work Agreement, the lane may be done later.
Road Signs
Traffic signs are erected to maintain safety on our roads. Please notify the M.D. office immediately if you see any signs down, missing or in need of repair. We need your help to assist us in keeping an accurate record of the signs and keep them in good condition. It is illegal to erect signs of any kind on the road allowance without receiving consent from the Municipal District.
Haul Road Agreement (Amended Apr. 23/09)
PURPOSE: To establish procedures to ensure that no damage occurs on MD roadways due to hauls as described below.
Haul Road Agreements are required when a particular or unexpected use of the MD road system occurs from hauling abnormal volumes of loads during a protracted period of time.
The agreement provides for the hauler assuming responsibility for re-instating the M.D roads to their original condition should the hauler damage same, as assessed by a representative of the M.D of Provost No. 52.
The agreement also provides for the hauler to move the loads along a specifically dedicated route.
- Inspections of the proposed haul road will take place prior to project commencement.
- All haul roads require prior approval from the M.D.
- The Director of Public Works may, at his discretion, decline the requested road use and/or haul if it is felt that due to weather conditions, road conditions and/or time of year that damage may occur to the road surface from the proposed haul.
- Contractors must supply adequate equipment to maintain the road in a reasonable state for public travel.
- Contractors must supply dust abatement for all occupied residences along the haul route.
- Any road damage costs will be deducted from the hold back.
- The local Councillor will receive a copy of the map showing the approved routing that affects their area.
- here are three (3) different categories under which a Contractor may be required to enter into a Haul Road Agreement with the M.D. of Provost No. 52.
1. Sand and Gravel Industry
Any individual or company wishing to haul a combined trucking total of more than five (5) loads of any sand or gravel within a 24 hour period (1 day) will be required to enter into a Haul Road Agreement before commencement of the haul.
2. Agricultural Industry
Contractors or custom haulers of manure, silage or forages wishing to haul a combined trucking total of more than 8 loads within a 24 hour (1 day) period must contact the Public Works Director to review the roadway before any haul takes place. After the review, and at the discretion of the Director of Public Works or his designate, the contractor may be required to enter into a Haul Road Agreement before any hauling takes place.
3. Development (Commercial, Industrial, Intensive Livestock)
The contractor will be required to enter into a Haul Road Agreement as per the development agreement for the proposed development, at the discretion of the M.D.
Moving Cattle
Cattle Moving Signs are now available at both the Provost and Hughenden Shops. Call Public Works to make sure they are available. The Special Constable may also be available to help notify traffic that a move is in process. He can be reached at (780) 753-1981.
Erection Of Signs
A written request for the erection of traffic signs, within the Municipality, from any individual, shall be left to the discretion of Public Works. Please contact Len 780-753-4423, or Marty 306-873-7831. All requests for school bus signs shall be automatically authorized and erected by the M.D.. Other signs that are not warranted by the M.D. of Provost will be erected by the M.D. of Provost and invoiced to the individual upon approval of Council and if the following guidelines are adhered to:
- sign(s) must be regulation signs(s)
- 12 foot 4 x 4 post(s) painted white
- lag bolts to hold sign(s) to post
- not more or less than 12 feet from the top of the shoulder of the road.
- All costs for replacement sign(s) will be the responsibility of the individual requesting the sign(s).
The decision as to whether or not a sign is warranted will be based on the following:
- line of sight
- historical road conditions
- approval of Council
Undeveloped Roads
M.D. Of Provost No. 52 Road specifications for an undeveloped road, if it is to be developed:
- A minimum 24 foot road surface provided.
- 4 to 1 slopes of grades or cuts.
- Necessary drainage to be provided.
- If there is to be any brushing within the road allowance, a letter requesting to brush must be sent to this office and approval obtained from Council.
- Provisions may be made to relax these specifications based on a site by site analysis.
- Approaches must be built to provide access to adjacent land if required (in accordance with approach policy).
- Minimum 200 yds3 gravel/mile, additional requirements to be determined by the M.D.
Requests By Third Parties To Developing Road Allowances:
- Requests from third parties to build on road allowances shall be made in writing and submitted to Council for approval.
- A condition of the request must include future maintenance of the road. Should Council decide not to assume responsibility, or the third party not want Council to assume responsibility, a written agreement for maintenance (grading, gravelling and snowplowing) must be signed prior to development.
- The granting of a development permit, for any development accessed from an undeveloped road allowance, does not constitute the undeveloped road allowance being developed by the M.D. of Provost #52. The developer, pending decision by Council, may be responsible for all costs incurred for the road development, if the road development is desired.
Temporary Texas Gates
These regulations shall govern standards and procedures used in installing temporary texas gates on undeveloped road allowances. temporary texas gates may be installed for a maximum of 60 days. requests must be in writing and meet the following specifications:
- The Texas Gate shall be constructed from 2 7/8″ tubing and minimum dimensions shall be 16 feet by 5 feet.
- The main cross members shall be constructed of channel iron, pipe or I-Beam, 10″ minimum in size, laid on boxed and solid surfaces.
- The entrance to the Texas Gate shall be marked or posted with adequate warning signs and hand gate placed on either side.
- The applicant shall assume all responsibilities for maintenance and repair.
- The applicant shall indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from any claims, proceedings, demands and liabilities which may be brought or made by third parties against the Municipality in respect of injury, loss or damage to persons or property to the extent that the same is attributable to the construction, maintenance, operation, repair, replacement or removal.
- The applicant or occupier of the affected land shall notify Council when such gates have been removed.
- Each applicant must own the adjacent land or the owner of the adjacent land must give written approval before the texas gate can be put in.
- The Council reserves the right to order such gates to be removed at its discretion.
- The road must be replaced back to its original condition after the 60 days or when the gate is removed.
Texas Gate Policy
Written applications, by private parties for the installation of a Texas Gate on an undeveloped MD road allowance will be considered by Council. Each applicant must own the adjacent land or the owner of the adjacent land must give written approval before the Texas Gate can be approved. Upon approval by Council the applicant must enter into an agreement with the MD.
- The Texas Gate must be inspected and approved by the Director of Public Works prior to and after installation.
- The Texas Gate is to be built of durable and suitable materials capable of carrying a minimum load of 80,000 pounds. The gate must not be less than six (6) feet and up to twenty-four (24) feet which will left up to the discretion of the Director of Public Works.
- All Texas Gates must be accompanied by an access bypass sufficiently wide to accommodate agricultural equipment.
- The private party must carry liability insurance in an amount determined by the MD Council and must provide the MD Administrator with proof of coverage on an annual basis.
- The applicant is responsible for all costs of constructing and installing the Texas Gate. The applicant must install signage indicating Texas Gate, must keep the sign in a reasonable state of repair and is liable for any and all damages sustained by the public if this is not done.
- The applicant is responsible for the maintenance of the Texas Gate.
- Council reserves the right to order such gates removed at their discretion. The removal of the Texas Gate(s), if carried out in the future, shall be the responsibility of the applicant. Should the MD require the removal to facilitate road construction, sufficient notice shall be given to allow the applicant to remove the Texas Gate.